Traditional Salesperson has the role died??

Before the world got hit by COVID the role of a Salesperson had already started to evolve into more of a facilitator or guide.
With an information overload the customer felt they had become fully aware of the product or service they wanted, who supplied, who was the best etc, etc...
The issue here is it became a perception of facts, a flood of marketing information and sales blah blah.
So, a salesman now needs to guide the customer through this sea of misdirection and a minefield of misinformation.
Maybe its time for a salesman to evolve in to more of a consultant, sit with the customer (patient) and carefully go through a course of questions to find out the real issues (symptoms) guide the customer to what they need, really want, what is especially important to them.
Then go away and prescribe a solution! sounds easy but the most important part here is you need to LISTEN, i cannot say that enough, shut up and LISTEN
So do not be a typical Salesperson and bombard your customer with words about how good you are, your company is and the products you sell, they do not care.
It’s about them so LISTEN to them and let them guide you to working out the best solution.
Have a great day ahead and remember "We have two ears and one mouth" so listen twice as hard and talk half as much and maybe you will get the order